Monday, March 30, 2009

O But He is cool....

I have learned to not be friends with boyfriends and girlfriends. I got caught in the middle of Bobby and Whitney meets Chris and Rihanna for lunch type of situation. "T" was the guy and he was cool, I really liked him as a friend. I love the male perspective more so than the female perspective. Females are very unforgiving, dudes let me get away with a lot! So me and him are really cool and whatever. He has a girlfriend named " B" now me and "B" are cool, she is very distrustful of females. With reason though, not like some paranoid chick. I was like okay cool, we are all friends here.

Well I guess " T" had other plans. Because I found myself in the most dramatic of places on earth. I tried to be friends with both of them, offering them advice when one came to me. Providing each with an alibi every time they were off cheating on each other."T" figured that out and got really upset with me for not telling him "B" was getting it in with another guy. I simply said it wasn't my place to get in between them and he was mad (drunkenly cussing me out.) Fast Forward to after Prom. My ex "D" is suspicious I am talking to this guy " J" in his class. I was talking to " J" but that's not the point. The point is "B" goes and tell "D" I was tryna get with "J"... She was supposed to be my girl. Seems "T" told her i tried to eff him at prom. As if I really need to try to eff anyone... Dumb broads. Why does "T" tell her this? Cuz i was a bad friend to him.

I wish i could make this BS up, but that's part 1 of the series. This only gets deeper, the story only twisted, relationships get broken, trust gets lost, I lose my mind and yeah. lol Stay tuned!

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