Sunday, March 8, 2009

The hopeless Romantic(simp) in me!

Dear 21st B-day...
This Birthday must overshadow last years. I am so much different in the space of a year. I have gained so much experiences and learned a lot of new lessons. I have learned my inner strengths as well as my weaknesses. My weaknesses are not really weaknesses, but they cause me trouble sometimes. I sometimes don't understand myself or my feelings and 21st we are gonna try to understand, and if we don't eff it we got some more living to do! I want to just say that I have been being a good girl! No kids, no Maury baby father shows(I watch them, a lot though) lol. I love being me and I just want to be me a little longer so i can learn the true meaning of love. I want to learn what it takes to make a relationship work. I want to meet the guy, that changes the game for me! ( 4 more years, by 25 please). I don't want to be old, unmarried, and in decline. I want to continue to live and grow. I guess that's all 21st, please put me first! ♥ Alex DeVonce'

1 comment:

Healingprose said...

Because 26 is considered old and in decline these Best of luck this time around girl!