Friday, November 14, 2008

The saddest thing...

I was listening to z104 the other morning and they have this popular segment called Dirty Work Wednesday in which you can call and they handle some dirty work for you. Ex: They call your job and tell them you won't be there because they are on bed rest Doctor's orders. Any way this week was sooo different.

A woman calls in(we'll call her Jessica) anyway Jessica calls in because she had gotten on her bf's computer to retrieve a recipe that her mother had sent her via Email.She wanted to make him a nice dinner because he was at work and it would be a nice suprise! Well in the process of doing so AIM pops up and there is this message. The message is from the Bf's ex. So Jessica runs with it, and pretends to be her boyfriend. Only to be asked " did you tell her yet?"... that's where z104 comes in.
( Back Story, Jessica's BF had gone out of town a few weeks prior to attend a friends wedding, apparently the ex was there with one of his friends. So the IM's are talking about how nice it was seeing each other and what not then that abrupt question)
Z104 contacts the girl, explains to her that she wasn't talking to the guy she thought she was talking to and instead it was his gf. She is shocked, and tells them she has to go before hanging up.

Z104 finally contacts the boyfriend only to find out that the bf had cheated on his current with his ex and the ex was now carrying his fetus.

I felt sooo bad for all of the parties involved. It hurt my feelings. There are so many things that you can forgive, but this was massively wrong. What kind of idiot cheats without using a latex? or the patch? or some other means of keeping the population from growing astronomically. I feel sorry for poor Jessica because let's be honest here curiosity kills. (So do guns) And I just felt bad for everyone.

This is one of those moral dilemmas. I don't know who is going to be together, but what would you do?

If I were jessica, I'd leave him to be with his ex. He obviously has some unfinished business, because he felt he needed to sleep with her in the first place. Also not just because of my pride, but there is now a child involved in the situation and i would never take a father away from his child.Sometimes there are just some things you should walk away from and in this case i believe i would.

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