Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Cling... on

There will always be that person who can't seem to let go. This may be a friend, a loved one, or a former flame. After awhile it becomes annoying, at first it was okay because we all have to get over relationships. I mean when you spend time with someone you begin to be more like them and you kinda modify what you do ,for them. When you are suddenly faced with having to start anew it is sometimes scary. Love is a battlefield. You might just lose your life behind it, but that is another blog in itself! Anyway the cling on will justify being hung up, they will make things up. They flat out are delusional! I will admit that I have been very stuck on one thing... but hey that was the first time and last time! I don't need to be fixated on one, I'm too young. I have a dude mentality. Sure it would be fly, but I'm not even gonna stress it. I gave up on that long ago, I still get a little pissed, but it's time to let go of that. Any who... Back to the cling on, The cling on will make things more indepth and complicated than they really are. The cling on will make up stories to make the relationship look like it has some hope, because they want you to believe that they have a chance of getting back with the person. Well it just isn't so. They will even go as far as to be advocates for love. So are they really cling on's or are they hopeless romantics?

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