Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

The Real Housewives of Atlanta
This show is my new addiction, I absolutely love it! I can't believe that i was sleeping on it, and then one afternoon i was watching Oxygen and they had the whole show up to this point on... i was hooked. It comes on Bravo on Tuesdays at 10:00 pm EST you should watch, but in the mean time I have come up with a Characterization and a few spoilers for your enjoyment!

Kim- Kim is the self described "black girl trapped in a white girls body". She has this sugar daddy/boyfriend. Who prefers to remain unseen and unknown so he is referred to by Kim and company as " Big Poppa". Now is this dude married? Does he cherish his privacy that much? Anyway We have yet to see him on Camera, but we see that Kim goes to the dealership and get's the Brand New Escalade that she wants(that day and pays in cash), and then we see that her man hooks her up with Dallas Austin so she can be famous. OK... PAUSE... Dallas Austin works with the likes of TLC, Whitney Houston, Usher etc... and he's working with Kim, so she must can sing right? Right? Wrong! This female can not sing, and what is worse is Sheree' tells this female that she sounds good. Sheree' lies and is like " she has one of the most beautiful voices i have ever heard"... No offense, but you must not have ever heard of Mariah, Whitney, or Christina. She wants to be a country singer, which does not line up with her image at all... When is the last time you saw a black girl trying to sing country?... That's ok I'll wait... still waiting...*sigh Also what kind of example is she setting for her daughters? is it that you can be a professional hoe? Please tell me!

Sheree'- I just don't like Sheree', she seems like she is a self righteous bytch. She often refers to people being classless and ghetto (in the case of NeNe)...She loves to tell you how far superior she is than other people. All I can really think of when i see her is : ow rate Jada Pinkett- Smith . She has this grandiosity about her. She is also a little instigator, no one likes an instigator! I hope at the conclusion of the show NeNe commences to kicking her ass, because that Birthday party misunderstanding was no misunderstanding at all. That was soooooo Super Sweet 16, and you clearly turned like 38... so why are you still acting like you are an Adolescent still feeling the effects of puberty? I am gonna see if she can redeem herself, but she just aggravates me! She has this clothing line that looks pretty uhm interesting and by interesting i mean pretty much unoriginal... why the hell is everyone coming up with lines of clothing? We all know that people love to wear clothes, but i'm tired of everyone thinking they are really innovating when it's pretty much something they wore 20 years ago. I guess everyone wants to have the satisfaction of knowing that their name is scrawled across the pocket of of your ass cheek.

Lisa- She seems cool, but she isn't my favorite. I actually have no real favorites on the show. Lisa seems like she may be the only one who actually does work,and I find that refreshing.Why is it refreshing? Because the rest of them seem to be spending someone else's money with no real effort to contribute. There is nothing wrong with being taken care of, I'm just saying that black women need a more positive image. I for example do not want no dude who is not doing anything with his life so, why would a dude want me if I'm not doing anything with my life. (SORRY... I went on a tangent...) Anyway i feel like she took NENE too seriously when NENE was very drunk(The whole Kim thing, watch for yourself) and told Sheree' that Nene was talking about Kim. All of this is funny because these are all supposedly grown ass women. This is sooo scary, because one day I will be that old, and to think bytches will still be talking shyt! Sigh... O well I guess... other than that Lisa may be the most stable on the show and the most role model!

DeShawn- Uhm they really don't show her too much... she is a little spacey to me. She don't really do anything, but spend Hubby's money.Could you blame her? He says do you, and boy does she. I think she is a chill type person, she is still learning her way with this whole money thing, and you have to respect it, hopefully they don't go broke in the process!

NeNe- NeNe is sooo hood. She is very new money, because she is the type who wants to flaunt what she has, but at the same time she is a little more real than the others. This one should not drink anymore in the company of anyone or a camera. Not only did she make fun of Kim (who really can't sing) She did it on Camera, and sweetie when something is on tape you gotta use some I also have respect for her. She did come up with the charity Twisted Hearts! The slogan is " Battered, but not Broken" I love that she is helping women get out of bad situations, she even tells of her own situation in the hopes it will help more people help with ehr charity. Other than that she kinda mooches off of her much older husband... he is much older. He look like her damn daddy for real. lol... I guess you get it how you live... He is mad old though! I guess he was her stability, she even admits as much.

Anywho give the show a watch!

1 comment:

Healingprose said...

Lol I happened to catch this while I was at a friend's house. Saw the ep where DeShawn holds a fundraiser and doesn't charge her guests so she basically almost made no money lol. Luckily I only h4eard the music that Kim wanted to do as opposed to hearing her sing lol. Anyway good stuff.