Sunday, November 30, 2008

White Horse...

I listen to all kinds of Music, so while i was watching bits and pieces of the AMA's last Sunday, I saw Taylor Swift perform her song " White Horse"...( was in love with it instantly. You see there are so many things in Disney movies that set a girl up for failure. Whether it be dreaming too big, or expecting too much. Many people think, " Hey She's a pretty girl, she can find someone new". That isn't the point. Everyone is not the same, and not everyone can be replaced. So while Beyonce's song "Irreplaceable" does hold true. " I can have another you in a minute"??? I don't think so, and depending on how I'm feeling at the time " Why would i want another you?"The point is we are in love with falling in love. The concept of a Prince saving you from some evil is ingrained in us from the time we have a steady attention span. I'm not going to bash love, but Love loves no one. If you think Love loves you, you are truly a fool. Love can make you do some crazy things. Love has the power to make you cry, when nothing else will. Love distracts you from what is really important. Yourself. Love is something that happens in the movies. When you live in Hollywood and have a big budget film, you can afford love. Girls like me who thought Fairy tales weren't just in the movies are crushed, but hey... not everyone can have a happy ending.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Underneath it all:Thankful Edition

Underneath it all...
I just like the concept of layers that people have. We all have different levels of knowing someone, because people very rarely divulge everything to you.

So I lost my Verizon phone yesterday, going to get a new one today. It won't be like super phone or anything, but it will be a functional. I have a sidekick too, so i'm good! My Thanksgiving was spent awesomely! In DC With La Familia Family Reuninon style. I love them, because when everything is said and done we are all we got! I can't wait til someone has a wedding! We are gonna do it so Big! LOL. What I am thankfuk most for is the ability to Love. I am so much more open to people these days! I'm Thankful that i didn't flat out give up, when everything seemed to be too much! I am so glad that things are working out.

I also decided that the open letter is now null and void. The ship has sailed and I'm happy meeting the new sailors. Nothing worth having is ever easy, but this was just beyond ridiculous. Maybe I will find that things are much better without even entertaining the idea of friendship!Too much water is under the bridge and seriously if i continue on this path of confusion I might just drown! I'm Thankful for all my friends who encourage me daily, and reaffirm that i deserve a lot better. The fact is i do, so i am officially done making things work, Whatever else is up to you. I don't want to be offical girl, because quite frankly even I can't fix this effed up mess.I have washed my hands and what is not talked about only festers.

So in conclusion i am Thankful for Family. Friends. Love. MY SANITY!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Cling... on

There will always be that person who can't seem to let go. This may be a friend, a loved one, or a former flame. After awhile it becomes annoying, at first it was okay because we all have to get over relationships. I mean when you spend time with someone you begin to be more like them and you kinda modify what you do ,for them. When you are suddenly faced with having to start anew it is sometimes scary. Love is a battlefield. You might just lose your life behind it, but that is another blog in itself! Anyway the cling on will justify being hung up, they will make things up. They flat out are delusional! I will admit that I have been very stuck on one thing... but hey that was the first time and last time! I don't need to be fixated on one, I'm too young. I have a dude mentality. Sure it would be fly, but I'm not even gonna stress it. I gave up on that long ago, I still get a little pissed, but it's time to let go of that. Any who... Back to the cling on, The cling on will make things more indepth and complicated than they really are. The cling on will make up stories to make the relationship look like it has some hope, because they want you to believe that they have a chance of getting back with the person. Well it just isn't so. They will even go as far as to be advocates for love. So are they really cling on's or are they hopeless romantics?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pimp Down....

Popular comedian Katt Williams has been admitted to a mental hospital.
According to South Carolina's local paper The Item, his baby's mother and daughter had him involuntarily committed. Here's how they're reporting it:
[Katt's lawyer Garryl Deas explained,] "His demeanor was a little troubled," Deas said. He said the actor seemed "disoriented."

About that time, family or close friends of Williams arrived to try to take him to the hospital for mental evaluation, Deas said. He said the family was seeking to have the actor committed. He was under the impression the family members were a teenaged daughter and the daughter's mother. Williams, however, did not want to listen to their urging that he visit the hospital, Deas said.

His erratic behavior continued.

"He just said that he doesn't trust anyone anymore," Deas said. He said he thought "everyone has turned against him. He wasn't really coherent."

By that point, the actor was "speaking gibberish," Deas said, though he declined to guess whether the actor was intoxicated.

Deas said the family was seeking an order from a probate judge to force him to be seen for a mental evaluation. Sumter Probate Judge Dale Atkinson, however, said neither he nor any of his staff issued a pickup order for anyone by the name of Katt Williams.

Sumter County Sheriff Anthony Dennis said, however, that an order was issued by the probate court and that because his department becomes involved with these type of matters, his office was called.

Dennis said the call came in around noon and deputies arrived to transport Williams to the hospital. Though he was vocal in his desire not to go, Williams was not physically aggressive.

She could not reveal whether Williams or his family had been in contact with them, but Kathleen Higgins, clinical director for Santee Wateree Mental Health Center, said in order for someone to be psychiatrically committed, one has to be assessed by a mental health worker, "and then a doctor has to sign the commitment papers."

*** Credit goes to MediaTakeout.Com

Get Well, Mr. Williams

How to lose a guy in 5 minutes

I know I am not the only person who has ruined a potential relationship in about 5 minutes or less.The key is to give the convo at least 10 minutes, if it is terrible then why continue it... Do something proactive and use these keys to escaping your conversation captor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.) Talk about your ex incessantly( guys rarely want to hear about another guy!)
2.) Tell him about your boo( whether you have one or not)
3.) Tell him he is short( this is obnoxious,but a turn off)
4.) Text message others, it's a sign that you are bored with the conversation at hand!
5.)Try your damnedest to get the attention of someone who can save you from this idiot.

Let's face it, everyone that is attracted to you is not for you. Don't waste their time or yours.

See You in My Nightmares

I am a lucky girl, I will always be loved.

Sometimes your all just isn't enough i guess. It is what it is, it's ok!"We we were once a fairytale, but this is farewell"-Wayne ♥ ...ok that was a lie... but i just like the quote!! I love this song... Kanye's CD has been leaked, but i am still going to buy it for the car. Kanye is prideful like me, so for people like us to tell you how we feel, that is something serious!
Theme Song... " See You in My Nightmares"- Kanye & Wayne

People will be quoting this and "The coldest winter" for the rest of winter.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The saddest thing...

I was listening to z104 the other morning and they have this popular segment called Dirty Work Wednesday in which you can call and they handle some dirty work for you. Ex: They call your job and tell them you won't be there because they are on bed rest Doctor's orders. Any way this week was sooo different.

A woman calls in(we'll call her Jessica) anyway Jessica calls in because she had gotten on her bf's computer to retrieve a recipe that her mother had sent her via Email.She wanted to make him a nice dinner because he was at work and it would be a nice suprise! Well in the process of doing so AIM pops up and there is this message. The message is from the Bf's ex. So Jessica runs with it, and pretends to be her boyfriend. Only to be asked " did you tell her yet?"... that's where z104 comes in.
( Back Story, Jessica's BF had gone out of town a few weeks prior to attend a friends wedding, apparently the ex was there with one of his friends. So the IM's are talking about how nice it was seeing each other and what not then that abrupt question)
Z104 contacts the girl, explains to her that she wasn't talking to the guy she thought she was talking to and instead it was his gf. She is shocked, and tells them she has to go before hanging up.

Z104 finally contacts the boyfriend only to find out that the bf had cheated on his current with his ex and the ex was now carrying his fetus.

I felt sooo bad for all of the parties involved. It hurt my feelings. There are so many things that you can forgive, but this was massively wrong. What kind of idiot cheats without using a latex? or the patch? or some other means of keeping the population from growing astronomically. I feel sorry for poor Jessica because let's be honest here curiosity kills. (So do guns) And I just felt bad for everyone.

This is one of those moral dilemmas. I don't know who is going to be together, but what would you do?

If I were jessica, I'd leave him to be with his ex. He obviously has some unfinished business, because he felt he needed to sleep with her in the first place. Also not just because of my pride, but there is now a child involved in the situation and i would never take a father away from his child.Sometimes there are just some things you should walk away from and in this case i believe i would.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

The Real Housewives of Atlanta
This show is my new addiction, I absolutely love it! I can't believe that i was sleeping on it, and then one afternoon i was watching Oxygen and they had the whole show up to this point on... i was hooked. It comes on Bravo on Tuesdays at 10:00 pm EST you should watch, but in the mean time I have come up with a Characterization and a few spoilers for your enjoyment!

Kim- Kim is the self described "black girl trapped in a white girls body". She has this sugar daddy/boyfriend. Who prefers to remain unseen and unknown so he is referred to by Kim and company as " Big Poppa". Now is this dude married? Does he cherish his privacy that much? Anyway We have yet to see him on Camera, but we see that Kim goes to the dealership and get's the Brand New Escalade that she wants(that day and pays in cash), and then we see that her man hooks her up with Dallas Austin so she can be famous. OK... PAUSE... Dallas Austin works with the likes of TLC, Whitney Houston, Usher etc... and he's working with Kim, so she must can sing right? Right? Wrong! This female can not sing, and what is worse is Sheree' tells this female that she sounds good. Sheree' lies and is like " she has one of the most beautiful voices i have ever heard"... No offense, but you must not have ever heard of Mariah, Whitney, or Christina. She wants to be a country singer, which does not line up with her image at all... When is the last time you saw a black girl trying to sing country?... That's ok I'll wait... still waiting...*sigh Also what kind of example is she setting for her daughters? is it that you can be a professional hoe? Please tell me!

Sheree'- I just don't like Sheree', she seems like she is a self righteous bytch. She often refers to people being classless and ghetto (in the case of NeNe)...She loves to tell you how far superior she is than other people. All I can really think of when i see her is : ow rate Jada Pinkett- Smith . She has this grandiosity about her. She is also a little instigator, no one likes an instigator! I hope at the conclusion of the show NeNe commences to kicking her ass, because that Birthday party misunderstanding was no misunderstanding at all. That was soooooo Super Sweet 16, and you clearly turned like 38... so why are you still acting like you are an Adolescent still feeling the effects of puberty? I am gonna see if she can redeem herself, but she just aggravates me! She has this clothing line that looks pretty uhm interesting and by interesting i mean pretty much unoriginal... why the hell is everyone coming up with lines of clothing? We all know that people love to wear clothes, but i'm tired of everyone thinking they are really innovating when it's pretty much something they wore 20 years ago. I guess everyone wants to have the satisfaction of knowing that their name is scrawled across the pocket of of your ass cheek.

Lisa- She seems cool, but she isn't my favorite. I actually have no real favorites on the show. Lisa seems like she may be the only one who actually does work,and I find that refreshing.Why is it refreshing? Because the rest of them seem to be spending someone else's money with no real effort to contribute. There is nothing wrong with being taken care of, I'm just saying that black women need a more positive image. I for example do not want no dude who is not doing anything with his life so, why would a dude want me if I'm not doing anything with my life. (SORRY... I went on a tangent...) Anyway i feel like she took NENE too seriously when NENE was very drunk(The whole Kim thing, watch for yourself) and told Sheree' that Nene was talking about Kim. All of this is funny because these are all supposedly grown ass women. This is sooo scary, because one day I will be that old, and to think bytches will still be talking shyt! Sigh... O well I guess... other than that Lisa may be the most stable on the show and the most role model!

DeShawn- Uhm they really don't show her too much... she is a little spacey to me. She don't really do anything, but spend Hubby's money.Could you blame her? He says do you, and boy does she. I think she is a chill type person, she is still learning her way with this whole money thing, and you have to respect it, hopefully they don't go broke in the process!

NeNe- NeNe is sooo hood. She is very new money, because she is the type who wants to flaunt what she has, but at the same time she is a little more real than the others. This one should not drink anymore in the company of anyone or a camera. Not only did she make fun of Kim (who really can't sing) She did it on Camera, and sweetie when something is on tape you gotta use some I also have respect for her. She did come up with the charity Twisted Hearts! The slogan is " Battered, but not Broken" I love that she is helping women get out of bad situations, she even tells of her own situation in the hopes it will help more people help with ehr charity. Other than that she kinda mooches off of her much older husband... he is much older. He look like her damn daddy for real. lol... I guess you get it how you live... He is mad old though! I guess he was her stability, she even admits as much.

Anywho give the show a watch!

I feel like Slapping somebody to day...(slap, slap)

OK, I'm tired of talking about myself. You will get to know more about me in due time. In the mean time, I am going to talk about what is my favorite subject.


I love the word fakery and definately incoroprate it in almost everything if i can. One thing about fakery is there is just so much of it running rampant. Especially on the campus of Hampton University! There are so many people who are running around here pretending that they are really doing something with their lives. More specifically there are people who lie and manipulate every situation. I have had a few run ins with people who are like that.I have learned that jealousy is a powerful thing. I just know that i really don't envy anyone, because behind closed doors we all have our secret struggles that few, if anyone knows about. I am a sensitive person, and pretty much an open book, and for me to clam up around someone...that says a whole lot! If I have to censor myself around you, then that must mean one of two things A. You are not a trustworthy person, or B. You're a guy and I don't want you to think i am a complete bytch!

So back to the subject at hand. There are fakes that are around. There are people who will use you, and when they don't get their way they launch a full arsenal of bs. I will be damned if one Monkey stops the show. Don't let anyone stop you from doing you! Too many people stop their lives and let people control them and the outcome of their lives. I am so serious when I say that, NO ONE CAN STOP YOU!!!

They hate you because they can not do what you are doing and they recognize how inferior they are to you! So by all means hate on me!!!And I'm gonna have to quote The Real Housewives of Atlanta (that's my ish)... " You're a low budget B!tch" lol and if you feel like I'm talking about you... then maybe I am...
Blogs on Deck:
"The Real Housewives of Atlanta"

Sunday, November 9, 2008

If he don't like how I'm actin'

.... I tell him bye.
How you gone play a playa
You know how playa's rock
Game recognize game
and i been runnin' game a lot.
Never get caught in a lie
cross my heart and hope to die....

credit has to go to Hurricane Chris for that one. I'm a lonestar like Texas, meaning i am single. Although i was single before, I am experiencing a whole new side of being single. Before I got to college i was soooo friggin wild. I was afraid of rejection, but then again who isn't. I do not like the word "No"... I hate it, so i limit the oppurtunities for it to be said to me! Basically when you are on top of your game. No one can say no to you. If you go in for a job interview and all your credentials are in order they are less likely to tell you no than if your stuff was all screwed up. I think that people are taking this whole relationship thing too seriously! I am not! I once cized things like " OOOO"..." AAWWW", not so much these days. I don't want to be in a relationship. I want to be single. Even though there is like no safety net in being single, I don't need someone to save me from me. I just need a companion ( lol @ shawny) but yeah i just need someone to have those real talk conversations with from time to time. I hate things when they are superficial!I need depth and let's face it some people are just about as deep as a kitchen sink. Give me depth and i will do my best to match it.. I guess i am due to have a conversation with my favorite HU Actor ( Wink, Wink)... lol... always entertaining always thought processing... Always something to look forward to.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

In Loving Memory...

R.I.P Keonta Fountain. You will be missed. Keon, I am shocked and saddened that you are no longer here. Even more so saddened for your family and everyone else who knew you and even those who didn't get to know you. I feel like this is deja vu because last year at thanksgiving we lost Lawrence" Snook". I just feel like you were so young, and life was just begginning. It hurts me to know that this happened to you, especially after this summer and the shooting at Sonic. We lost two young men, that night. One is no longer with us, and the other one is behind bars.This violence needs to stop, we need to get it together. My heart is breaking, I just keep thinking about what a nice kid you were. I'm glad to say that the last times i saw you, were pleasant. I know you are in a better place, i know you are looking down on us. Stay up baby boy, i know you are in a better place. I know i said that already, but the emotion is just felt.

Violence is not the answer, when will we stop hurting each other?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Flashing... LIGHTS

I'm a star!
How could i not shine?

I'm pretty sure i stole, that from Kanye... as a matter of fact it is from " I wonder"... anyway. I am not trife, I'm not a hoe, I'm just a flirt. Who is single...And i want to be single for a lonnnnnggg time now. Relationships are dumb and convoluted and a waste of time for me right now... So after tonight, don't leave your man round me true playa for real( I don't condone messing up relationships for real tho.) But you get the point, It's about to get pretty interesting... cuz i'm pretty!lol... No seriously!!!!I'm 20, and imma do me. Get mad and offended if you like. I don't care. Also shouts to hatin' ass bitches who wish they was me, and can't get like me. Thank You, you encourage me to continue to make your ass look dumb! You are officially doing the most, and it's really funny to look at you make an ass of yourself!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quite Frankly...

Things are pretty premature in some situations so I will leave those for when i know officially what the outcome will be.

The fact of the matter is, I have a pretty slick mouth. I say some things to people when i am agitated by idiocracy. No seriously... I have learned to say what's on my mind, because once i say it. It's said, there are no regrets of " Maybe i should have said this". I think i have just out grown the situation all together. I think that i am just ruled by emotions on an endless continuum. I am a psych major. So when i can't get into someone's head and walk around it bothers me. I am just used to people telling me the truth, no matter how effed up it is. I have no reason to lie about the things that i do, and i don't. I keep things 100% with everyone i encounter. I don't regret the open letter, i am glad that i wrote it, and I am glad that you thought i was" deep"... It isn't what you say, it's what you do. Rather than being engaging about the topic, you'd rather dodge it and be aloof. I can't make the excuse anymore, the conclusion is this A. You really don't care, or B. You're emotionally retarded. Either way, I'm done... lol AND I KNOW I SAY THIS EVERY OTHER DAY, but it's kinda not fair to set impossible standards. It's been real, but I gotta do what's best for me. I'm a beautiful girl, who deserves more. I always made fun of the guys who were busted, but cared about me. I am smiling as i write this, because you know what looks don't matter, you can still be effed up no matter how you try to fix the outside...You're still effed on the inside. You never had my heart, so don't be cocky. You were just in the right place at the right time. * I'd rather be nice about this, and not even get mad. It's partially my fault, so whatever. I guess...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How could you be so Heartless...

Kanye's new CD is going to be Hot, I am anticipating it. So far i have heard " Love Lockdown", "Coldest Winter Ever", and " Heartless". It will be released on November 25th 2008. Just in time for Thanksgiving.
Kanye is using the Vocoder, like T-Pain on his entire CD, from what i've been reading. What seems like a pretty bad idea, actually isn't that bad.It's actually pretty brilliant. I especially love " Coldest Winter Ever" the song is just brilliant, because it is heartfelt. "it's 4 A.M and i can't sleep..." " Goodbye my friend, will i ever love again?"those lines are on repeat in my mind. Man... I love Kanye West! He has found a way to reinvent himself as more than just a rapper!!

" If spring can take the snow away, can it melt away all our mistakes?"- Kanye West ; "Coldest Winter Ever"- Brilliance... pure and simple... and that leads into my next blog.

Reinforcing facts!!

Obama is the new President Elect!!!

We did it, all the volunteering paid off. I am proud of America, and even more so proud to be an American!! I know we have a lot to overcome in the next days weeks and months to come. I know that things will get better with time. The shock has come, now we are waiting for the awe. I am so proud... sigh I can't say it enough!! OBAMA OBAMA!!! I love this man, I love his family... The First Family is beautiful. It gives me hope that one day i will find a " real" relationship!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My first time....


Last night i remember getting off the phone with my friends... setting my Alarm clock for 5:15 and getting in bed...Fast Forward to 5:15 A.M this morning and the clock goes off. My dad also calls to make sure i get up and go early. I am debating on whether or not I should go to McDonald's because i don't know whether or not there will be any tom foolery in which i will be waiting for an extended period of time. I decided against going and opted to grab a Special K bar and a Slimfast bar...and my ipod along with my sidekick and my other phone. By 5:37 I'm in the car. The polling location is literally 5 minutes away. It was raining outside and it was quite nasty. Thank Goodness for hoodies or else I would have been pissed. Anyways I get to my polling location and it is packed, people are creating parking spaces, because we have run out of spaces. So now I'm standing in the rain... with my hoodie, but I'm voting and I will not be moved. There was this sweet old woman who sheilded me from the rain, I said Thank You, but this made my experience even more pleasant. I expected a lot of chaos and craziness, but I baracked the vote, and from my vantage i could see others were doing the same. I am a proud voter! I voted, Thank You Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, Sojorner Truth, Harriet Tubman, W.E.B Dubouis, Fredrick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, and all the other pioneers who helped in the process of equality. Thank You!!! I am forever indebted to you!

*** More Blogging to come through the evening!